Sunday, March 26, 2006

I'm no Scrooge.

This was the first weekend in about a year and a half that I didn't work on the album. I finally had some time to do a couple things I've been putting off - like taking down the Christmas lights. From 2004. Some friends had even dropped some not-so-subtle hints about it. Yeah, I know it's March 2006 but I hadn't turned them on since February so cut me some slack. Besides, the lights make me happy. The ones in the backyard are staying up.

Monday, March 20, 2006

smells so new!

It's not everyday I get to post a new website with new tunes. But today is the day. It even smells new. It's got that "new CD/website" smell. Take a deep breath. See! There it is. Hope you like it! The new website and CD that is. And if you like the smell too, then all the better.