May/June 2012 news
I wanted you to know about 2 very cool things coming up. On Mother’s Day weekend (here in the states) on May 11, the film “Girl In Progress” will open. I have 4 songs in it. That’s kind of miraculous. I’m very excited! The movie stars Eva Mendes.
And then, in June, another movie with a song of mine opens: “Magic Mike”, directed by Stephen Soderbergh and starring Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey. Also very exciting!
The songs that are in the movies will also be on their soundtracks. Again, excited.
In case you have a moment, I have updated my website with new pictures and colors and links to videos. Thank you Rachel Campbell ( for web design/layout and Heidi Ross ( for photos and artwork!
And, to keep you updated on my world, I’m writing music for a play that will open here in LA in October. More on that as we get closer to October.
And, I’m still writing and recording new, personal material.
The kitten I found in September is doing great. We named her Wilma. She is now 10 months old. She likes to chase feathers and rip up paper.
And, as you know, sometimes I include recipes with my newsletters. See below for the thing I’m most excited about now – it’s a recipe for sweet chili vinegar by Paul Qui (winner of 2012 Top Chef). Add it to veggies or put it on your salad. It makes eating veggies and salads way more exciting than usual!
Sweet Chili Vinegar
Mix 1 cup sugar (I don’t use quite so much sugar but the recipe calls for it), 1 cup white vinegar, ½ tsp. black pepper, 1 ½ tsp. crushed dried red pepper, ½ head garlic, minced in a saucepan and cook over low heat until sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes.
It’s yummy, goes a long way and lasts a long time!
Hope you’re having a lovely spring.
Thanks for reading this far!

January 2012 happenings/news
My band and I are playing in a benefit show at Hotel Cafe on Monday, Jan. 23rd at 9pm. This benefit will raise awareness and funds for the Kusewera After School Program at Mtendere Village Orphanage. The program educates the children through sports, music, dance and art. The evening includes several singer/songwriters and begins at 7. I go on at 9. Lots of my extremely talented friends play before and after me. Be a part of this great event and get your tickets before they sell out!
Where: Hotel Cafe
When: Monday, Jan. 23rd
Time: 7 - 11 (I'm on at 9 and it's a strict schedule)
Tickets: $15 pre-sale. $20 at the door
For Beth news, I finished out last year so happy to have songs placed in shows like "Hung", "Royal Pains", "Ringer", "Flashpoint","One Tree Hill" and the indie film "Burning Palms". I have a couple of things already lined up for 2012 but I can't tell you what they are yet. Bad luck and all that. But the one that I CAN tell you about will be airing this week on "Jane By Design" ("wash U clean"). Check it out or set your DVR for Tuesday, Jan. 17th at 9pm on the ABC Family Network.
And, just to keep you in the know, I've been asked, along with my producer, Rob Cairns, to write songs for a play that will open here in Los Angeles in the fall (2012). More info on that as the date approaches.
And now, for a kick-ass appetizer recipe:
Black-eyed pea & Artichoke Dip
2 slices hickory bacon
2 tablespoon butter
1 onion chopped
1/2 C sour cream
1/2 C mayo
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 “ garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 (15oz) can balck eyed peas drained & rinsed
1 (14oz can artichoke hearts drained & rinsed & chopped
2 oz mozzarella cheese shredded
Chop up bacon into pieces and cook, remove from grease. Add butter & saute onion. In a bowl, mix sour cream with mayo. Stir in bacon, onion powder, garlic powder & salt. Then add sauteed onion, black eyed peas & artichoke to the mayo/sourcream mixture and stir. Place in baking dish & top with cheese. Bake at 300 until cheese has melted and dish is warm.
Thank you for reading this far! If you're in LA, please come to the show on the 23rd and support a great cause and hear some great music!
September 2011
I hope you had a great summer. Here in Los Angeles we had a lovely, mild summer. Also, I discovered a great summer drink called The Eastside. Here's the recipe: Enjoy!
I've got some news about a couple of TV shows, a kitten I found, a new EP, and a songwriters round I'm in.
For those of you in lovely Los Angeles, I'm playing in the Room 5 songwriters round on Monday night, Sept. 12 at 9pm. There will be 4 songwriters on stage and we each take turns playing a song. We go around 4 or 5 times, each playing a song and then we all take our clothes off and run naked around the room. Ok, we don't do that last part.
Joel Eckels, Sarah Winters, and Jarrod Dickenson will be playing in the round with me. Click here for more info about them. edule_new.htm
And in recent beth thornley music news, the USA network show Royal Pains played "You're So Pony".
Coming soon, Hung (HBO) will be using "Wash U Clean". I hear some of the characters sing along with it. That should be interesting.
Also coming soon, the CBS show, Flashpoint will be playing "Everyone Falls".
My new EP should be ready very soon. You will be the first to know!
I found a kitten (picture below). I was driving home from dinner last Monday night and I noticed a kitten on the street next to a car repair shop who was obviously looking for food. I got some food and went back to find her. She was still there, along with several others. A dude came out of the auto body shop and encouraged me to take one since he had 20 more out back. So, I took one thinking I'd find her a home. I wish people knew they could trap, neuter and return cats to their colonies (for free!). When they do that, the colony stays healthier and happier.
So I took one. I decided to keep her. She's a very special kitten. She's 8 weeks old. She was extremely underweight but otherwise healthy. She does't have a name yet. Any ideas?
Thanks for reading this far!
